Terms & Conditions of Entry


In these terms and conditions of entry the following terms will have the meanings shown:
The “Organisers” are the Rotary Club of Papakura Inc and Premier Events.
The “Entrant” are any person(s) or organisation(s) submitting a form to the Organisers.
The "Event” is the Show described in the form.
The “Form” is the NZ Motorcycle Show Entry Form.
The “Space” is the area allocated to the Entrant by the Organisers for the purposes of the exhibit.
The “Site” refers to the whole area under the supervision of the Organisers for the Event


  • All applications must be made on the Form, which is obtainable online from the Organisers. The supply of the Form does not constitute an offer of space.
  • The Form must be completed with all relevant details by the Exhibitor (or his agent) and sent to the address shown, with the charge for the Space requested.
  • No Space can be reserved unless a Form has been received and confirmation returned.
  • All Stand Space must be sorted for in advance.
  • The Organisers reserve the right to refuse applications without any reason being given.
  • The completion of an Application Form is not a guarantee of space being available.
  • The Organisers reserve the right to move around any entrants at the time of or before the event if deemed necessary.
  • The submission of the Form constitutes acceptance of these conditions.
  • Space is allocated at the sole discretion of the Organisers, who reserve the right to make alterations in the location at any time prior to or during the Event,
  • The Entrant may make written requests about the location of the Space or the identity of neighbouring Entrants, but the Organisers cannot guarantee to comply with these, and the application cannot be conditional on these.
  • After unloading, Entrants will be requested to path their vehicles away from the Space and the Site prior to, during and after the Event,
  • No vehicle movements on site during the hours that the Event is open to the Public unless approved by the Event Co-Ordinator.
  • At no time may you start your vehicles during the hours that the Event is open to the Public unless approved by the Event Co-Ordinator.
  • During setup and pack up, the ASB Showgrounds is classed as a Work Zone. Enclosed shoes must be worn, and no children under the age of 16 will be allowed into the halls.


  • Entrants will comply with any rules or regulations made by the organisers.
  • Entrants will comply with the requirements of the Fire Brigade, Environmental Health Officer and any other competent local or other authority, as well as any statutes, regulations or byelaws relating to the Site or its use.
  • No party political propaganda, illegal or immoral matter may be displayed or disseminated from the Space or on the Site, The Organisers reserve the right to object to or remove such matter and/or require the Entrant to leave the Site. No refund will be made in such cases.
  • No loudspeaker, apparatus, other equipment or activity liable to cause a nuisance or annoyance to other Entrants, Exhibitors or the public will be permitted.
  • No fixing of articles or structures to any structure in the Space or on the Site by the Entrant is permitted without specific agreement in writing from the Organisers. Any such damage made by permitted fixing must be made good to the satisfaction of the Organisers or owners of the property concerned. A manner detrimental to the enjoyment of others.
  • All electrical equipment brought on site by you must have a current certificate. (Obtainable from a certified electrician to show that the equipment, cables are safe and correct).
  • The Organisers reserve the right to refuse access to the Event grounds at their absolute discretion.
  • The Organisers reserve the right to eject anyone from the premises.
  • No smoking is permitted on site at any time.


In the case that the Event, or any part of it, is postponed or abandoned by the organisers or, in the case of a cancellation, failure or curtailment of any licence, supply, agreement, services or facilities afforded to the Organisers whether due to strikes, lock-outs or other circumstances beyond their control, the organisers shall be under no liability in respect of any loss sustained or incurred by the attendee, and the Organisers shall be entitled to retain the whole or such part of all the sums paid to them as they at their absolute discretion, shall deem necessary to cover expenses incurred in connection with the Event.


Premier Events, Rotary Club of Papakura Inc., the Rotary Club of Papakura Charitable Trust and Rotary International will not be held responsible for the loss of or damage to property, exhibits or individuals in any way.


  • Entrants will be responsible for insuring your own property, and take sensible precautions to guard against accident, loss or damage.
  • The Entrant shall not do or permit any act other than that instructed by the organisers of the Event.
  • The organisers shall at no time be held responsible for the loss, damage or destruction to any entrant property, staff, contractors or visitors should instructions from the organisers not be adhered to.
  • The transportation, lifting and/or installation of the Entrant’s property shall be at his risk and the Organisers will not accept liability for any loss or damage of such property whether or not they are in receipt of payment for any such service.


This is not a guaranteed feature for this or any future Event, The decision as to whether or not to run a competition, and for which classes of exhibit, and whether or not to make a presentation of any prizes, shields, cups or the like in connection thereof to bona fide exhibitors shall be at the sole discretion of the Organisers, who may also elect not to make any awards for a given year. Should the Event Organisers be able to run this feature in any given year, the Judges’ decisions shall be deemed final and binding.


Please remember that the main purpose of this event is to raise funds for local and national projects and charities. The money raised during the weekend will go to the nominated charities and projects of the Rotary Club of Papakura Inc.